Custom Relocation Solutions for the Hotel Industry

Custom Relocation Solutions for the Hotel Industry

mobilitymatters acknowledges the challenges HMCs face in recruiting and retaining qualified employees and has developed employee relocation solutions and tools specifically targeted at this hotel industry challenge.

Hotel Owners/Managers Want to Control the Relo Cost:

Typical tiered employee relocation programs with multiple benefit packages that yield wide fluctuations in total move costs are in direct opposition to the operating goals and objectives of HMCs. Rather, an owner or GM needs to be able to specify a budget for each relocation based on the specific needs of that relocating employee and in keeping with the Revenue level that hotel generates. A limited service economy hotel cannot support the same employment costs that an upper upscale hotel can. Accordingly, mobilitymatters allows HMCs to specify total move cost based on employee need and hotel cost constraints. Then mobilitymatters manages those costs, along with the employee, to ensure the best use of the relocation spend.

Hotel Employees Want to Control the Relo Process:

Hotel employees, mostly Millennials, stay mobile and are highly independent and technologically savvy. Given those characteristics, they want to be in control of everything that impacts their personal lives. They want to do things on their own time, in their own way and do as much electronically as can possibly be done. If they can plan, budget, calendar, get notifications, pay for and monitor their entire move, actual vs budget, from their smartphone – they are happy. mobilitymattersHotelRelo smart device application allows them to do just that.


HotelRelo: Making It Easy to Manage the Entire Relo Experience

What is HotelRelo?

A cloud-based, IOS-Android compatible application designed for managing hotel employee relocations.


How does it benefit Hotel Managers/Owners?

  • Enhanced operating results via improved employee productivity.
  • Reduction in overhead by minimizing internal staff’s involvement with Relocation.
  • Management tool to identify, capture, and report on key elements affecting relocation costs.

How does it benefit Hotel Employees?

  • Professional support in all phases of the relocation process leading to an enhanced on-boarding experience and a successful new assignment.
  • Instantaneous feedback and updates on all areas of the move including scheduling, budget, and timeline.
  • Live access to all suppliers engaged in the process, streamlining communications and minimizing frustrations.

How does it benefit the Relocation Process?

  • Organizes and shortens the entire move process by providing a timeline and budget to work within.
  • Offering a competitive relocation policy will improve recruiting and employee retention, thereby reducing hiring costs.
  • Program and tax compliance leading to other cost savings including shipment of household goods, real estate, temporary living, and lease negotiation.


Stay on top of important relocation milestones with a
chronological to-do list. 


Keep track of your budget and timeline, and always know whether you’re on or behind schedule.